
FANTASIA provides easy access, through Blueprints, to AI services provided by different providers

The Azure ASR Actor component activates a one-shot recognition session.
The transcribed utterance is returned by a dedicated event
The Azure TTS Actor component sends requests using Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) to the Azure Text-To-Speech service and stores audio in memory using a user-specified ID to support pre-synthesis.
When the audio is available, an event is fired specifying the ID of the audio that is ready to play
The Azure NLU Actor component streams audio to an Azure Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) application.
The interpretation is returned by a dedicated event using Blueprint readable data structures.
The AWSPolly Actor component sends requests using SSML to the Amazon Text-To-Speech service and stores audio in memory using a user-specified ID to support pre-synthesis. For Standard voices, lipsync data can also be retrieved.
When data is available, an event is fired specifying the ID of the audio that is ready to play.

FANTASIA supports integration with graph-based knowledge using Neo4j

The Neo4j Actor component allows to send Cypher queries to Neo4j using both single requests and transactions.
The response is returned by a dedicated event using Blueprint readable data structures.

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