
Stay up to date with FANTASIA

The advanced tutorials series starts

In the last year, I have been testing and presenting FANTASIA in a number of different cases. It is now time to take a further step forward and present the latest module I integrated: the aGrUM library for probabilistic graphical models. This is an important feature to add, in FANTASIA, as conversational agents mostly handle…


Great news! FANTASIA will be presented at NODES2021, the Neo4j Online Developers Expo and Summit. This is a great opportunity to interact with people from the graph databases community and discuss the possibilities offered by some of the most powerful and easily accessible technologies out there. I am looking forward to this talk and to…

The final video of the Basic tutorials series

In the final video of the Basic tutorials series, I will show how to how commands interpreted by Microsoft LUIS generate a query to Neo4j and how a synthetic voice is obtained with Amazon Polly. Data are, then, used to animate a 3D character in the UnrealEngine! From now on, I will be publishing advanced…

Natural Language Understanding with Microsoft LUIS

In the new video tutorial for FANTASIA, I will show you how to create a basic application that allows streaming audio from UE4 to Microsoft LUIS to obtain Natural Language interpretations. I will also show how to query Neo4j using entity recognition provided by LUIS. Check it out!

Automatic Speech Recognition and parameterized queries

The new video tutorial on the Youtube channel shows how to combine the Microsoft Azure Automatic Speech Recognition service with parameterized queries in Neo4j to extract data in a flexible way in UE4. This is another step in the series of tutorials that will present how to build a simple Embodied Conversational Agent in UE4…

Connecting to Neo4j

A new video tutorial is available on Youtube showing how to access graph based knowledge hosted in Neo4j using the FANTASIA plugin for UE4. Check it out and have fun!

FANTASIA is coming

The Unreal Engine 4 has found many different applications in multiple areas and the powerful tools provided by Epic Games to create real time interactive experiences reached very high levels with the presentation of Metahumans: the next step in the creation of embodied virtual agents. In the last years, I have been working in the…

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